LeukoReduced RBC Control®
The LeukoReduced RBC Control is a 2-level control for flow cytometers and Nageote cells for monitoring the performance of residual white cell counts in erythrocyte concentrates. The target values for the levels are as follows: Level 1: 2.0 / μL and Level 2: 20.0 / μL. The LeukoReduced RBC Control has a total longevity of 75 days and a stability after opening of the tube of 30 days or 21 thermal cycles. The shipping frequency of each new lot is bimonthly. The LeukoReduced RBC Control is packaged in a 3.0 ml tube with screw cap.
LeukoReduced Plt Control
LeukoReduced Plt Control is a 2-level control for flow cytometers and Nageote cells for monitoring the performance of residual white cell counts in platelet concentrates. The target values for the levels are as follows: Level 1: 2.0 / μL and Level 2: 20.0 / μL. The LeukoReduced Plt Control has a total longevity of 75 days and a stability after opening of the tube of 30 days or 21 thermal cycles. The shipping frequency of each new lot is bimonthly. The LeukoReduced Plt Control is packaged in a 3.0 ml tube with screw cap.
LeukoReduced RBC/Plt Control
LeukoReduced Plt Control is a 2-level control for flow cytometers and Nageote cells for monitoring the performance of residual white cell counts in platelet concentrates. The target values for the levels are as follows: Level 1: 2.0 / μL and Level 2: 20.0 / μL. The LeukoReduced Plt Control has a total longevity of 75 days and a stability after opening of the tube of 30 days or 21 thermal cycles. The shipping frequency of each new lot is bimonthly. The LeukoReduced Plt Control is packaged in a 3.0 ml tube with screw cap.
StatusFlow Lo
The StatusFlow Low is designed to be used in addition to the StatusFlow to provide 2-level control blood to allow complete control of the CD3 + / CD4 + cell counting process in low values. Target values are plotted as a percentage of the total number of lymphocytes and number of cells for CD3 +, CD3 + / CD4 +, CD3 + / CD8 +, CD19 +, CD3- / CD16 + 56 +.
The total number of CD3 + / CD4 + cells is less than 200 cells / μL. As StatusFlow, StatusFlow Low has a total longevity of 45 days and stability after opening of the tube of 9 thermal cycles.
StatusFlow is a preparation of human white and red blood cells designed to control the complete process of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry. It is used to control antibody labeling, red blood cell lysis, device configurations and performance, and analysis of results. Target values are plotted as a percentage of the total number of lymphocytes and number of cells for the following antibodies: CD3 +, CD3 + / CD4 +, CD3 + / CD8 +, CD19 +, CD3- / CD16 + 56 +, CD20 +, CD2 + and HLA-DR. For target use, target values are also provided for the following CD markers: Kappa, Lambda, CD8 + / CD38 +, CD33 + / CD14 +, CD7 + / CD3 +, CD5 +, CD22 + / CD3- and CD13 +. The target values for CD45 and CD14, which are used only to adjust the instrument window, are also included.
StatusFlow Low
StatusFlowPRO contains human stem cells and can be used for most flow cytometry methods to identify CD34 + cells. StatusFlowPRO exists at 2 different concentration levels in CD 34 + cells to meet clinical requirements.
The target values for the low level are about 10 cells / μL and the target values for the high level of about 35 cells / μl. StatusFlowPRO makes it easy to find the optimal instrument window for CD34 + analysis, evaluate CD34 antibody clone selection, monitor red cell lysis and analyze results.
StatusFlowPRO has a total longevity of 45 days and stability after opening of the tube of 9 thermal cycles. The shipping frequency for each new batch is monthly. StatusFlowPRO is packaged in a 1.5 ml tube.